Management Committee Reports
UPDATE - January, 2010

Dear Owners,

On behalf of my fellow committee members and staff, I wish all owners good health and prosperity in 2010. It is heartening to know that the recession is going to be over soon and we are going to have an encouraging year ahead.

With your trust and co-operation, CTMC went through another year of progress and improvement. Thank you again for your confidence in the committee and staff.

This Update may probably reach you near the Chinese New Year. Let us look forward to wealthy year of the Tiger bringing good health and good luck to all.

CTMC would like to wish all owners – “HAPPY HOLIDAYS & GONG XI FATT CAI


    CTMC continue to make many improvements and repairs during 2009.

    • We are still finding ways to further enhance the lightning protection for all our appliances and equipment.

    • Roof-top exhaust fan at both towers will be re-activated with installation of a timing device.

    • Shrubs have been planted along the front of the condominium along the fence to form a "second-layer" fencing.

    • Plans are afoot to refurbish the interior of all the 4 lifts serving the two Towers.
      One of the lifts will be on “trial refurbishment” after the Chinese New Year. If the design is acceptable, all the lifts will use the same materials and design.

    • The committee is also planning to increase one more treadmill in the gymnasium and install one or two more hand & feet exercise equipment for the outdoor exercise pit.


    CTMC decided to engage Nepalese Guards supplied by guard agencies to boost the condominium’s security.

    The Guards are given strict procedures to follow in order TO PROTECT YOU, YOUR FAMILY & YOUR PROPERTY.

    CTMC, therefore, urge owners to inform their tenants and visitors to co-operate with the guards fully so that the exit and entry to the estate will be smooth and problem free.


    The committee would like to request owners to continue to look out for “white ants” infestation. Please report to the management when its nest are discovered.


    No Swimwear at Lobby & Lifts

    While CTMC is continuously improving our condominium and its facilities, we would also like to continue to ask owners to be considerate to your neighbours and fellow owners in this community living environment.

    We would appreciate your tenants’ co-operation not to attire in swimwear at the lobbies and lifts when going or coming back from the swimming pool because we have people of different cultures living in the estate.

    CTMC would appreciate their thoughtfulness and decorum in conduct to earn respect from others.


    CTMC is looking into the putting up a website for Country Towers for owners and those interested in living in the condominium

    Some of the items that may be posted on the website shall be:

    • House Rules & Fees
    • Updates and Announcements
    • Feedback and Ideas from owners and tenants
    • Advertisements for units for rental
    • Approved housing agencies for owners to consult

    The committee will be glad to hear your suggestions

PK Liew